Thursday, June 11, 2015

Endless Limits

June 11,2015

Endless Limits
Today I have decided to share my thoughts on where I actually stand with myself as of today. Recently, I just sat there and had all these thoughts crowd up my mind. Lately I've been thinking way to much, but then I began being positive about everything that is occurring within my life as a teenager. I've let a lot get in my way within this past year which were the situations I was going through that are currently still happening, but I'd honestly call them silly now. Being positive about all that goes about is the best thing to do. Even though I don't quiet understand why a lot happens, but I realized just accepting what's going on makes it so much easier to get past it. I know I have many potentials in different areas like school, art, sports, and many other things I find important to me. My only focus now is just doing me. My goals have always been set high, but letting others get in the way of them slowed me down so much, but I can honestly say I had a lesson learned. I plan on going on a lot more new adventures trying new things, and focusing myself with what's important. It sucked going through family problems, a breakup, falling behind in school. I would look so down upon myself, but now I am determined. I would give many advice about helping them through their problems, it's about time I start to take my own advice. Everything happens within reason, accepting it will make it become it bit easier too. But of course, everything is said easier then done. Always, everything is possible, so continue to strive for your goals and what you want in life nothing has a limit. This is what I will be doing. 

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